مدينة العلمين الجديدة
مدينة العلمين ستغير خريطة الساحل الشمالى بأكمله والمفهوم الذى أنشئ على أساسه، فهى ستكون مدينة سكنية تستقطب المواطنين طوال العام، وليس موسم الصيف فقط كما هو معتاد.
منتجع الماسة الفندقي
يتسم منتجع الماسة كابيتال بإطلالته الفريدة عن باقى الفنادق الموجودة فى العالم، من خلال التصميمات الفريدة بنوعها فى إنشاء الفندق الذي يعد باكورة الأعمال الكبرى فى العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة، ففى وقت قياسى انتهى إنشاء المنتجع، من خلال العمل الذى جرى فيه خلال الأيام الماضية على قدمٍ وساق
طريق القاهرة السويس الصحراوي
تم تطوير قطاع من طريق القاهرة / السويس، يمتد بطول ٨ كم وعرض ١٠٠ م في اتجاهين، يضم كل اتجاه ٩ حارات مرورية بدلًا من ٣ حارات مرورية، كما تم تطوير المسافة من كوبري أحمد بدوي الغربي حتى طريق الدائري الإقليمي بطول ٢٨ كم.

What's new?
High level of information verification
Despite the fact that our web site gives everybody the opportunity to claim whatever he wants, it investigates every single piece of information provided by anyone through various mechanisms and give you an indication whether or not this information is true with the aid a green check mark indicator.
Great News!
Now if you have an account page, you have a new statistical chart showing the number of visits to your page over time.
Search the largest Database

Search by name
To search by name there are 2 different ways, either start typing inside the big search text box at the top of the page then select the item you was searching for, Or click the Lens button at the right side of the text box to get a better search result with images and icons added to it.
Search by criteria (Advanced Search)
This is the most precise way of searching inside the website, all you have to do is going to the Adv. search menu then select the subject of search.
How does the search result got ordered?
That depends on what you are searching for, for example if you were searching for an organization, the result of search will be ordered according to the number of points that organization got, whereas if the search subject were a project, the result will be ordered according to the project's location then according to the project's size.
Enrich your portfolio
There are a lot of ways to enrich your profile and make it appear at the top of search results, beside adding as many projects that you or your organization contributed to, every time you get asked to rate an organization for its role in one of projects that you or your organization contributed to, you will gain points
Our google maps services

Unlike the Google maps services available on social media websites, Our google maps services is more professional in order to meet the demands of the construction business, as it enables you to control the Map Mode, Zoom, and add a Pin mark to precisely point at the desired location, its worth mentioning as well that there are several ways to enter the desired location, like simply pasting the Google map URL, entering the N & E Coordinates, and share your current location.

Through our google maps services, you can place the map of your organization at the top of the Organization page to make it easy for people to reach it, also in case your organization has several branches, you may add a google map per each branch.

Finally, in case you were one of the admins of a Project account, you can add a google map for that particular project inside its page.

For more on how to use google maps, please refere to the following page: How to use google maps?

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